Monday, November 3, 2008

Summer Squash Soup

In Florida, we can get yellow squash year round, which makes this low-carb soup a perfect addition to any meal. The buttery squash becomes rich and creamy when pureed; no extra cream needed.

6-7 yellow squash, diced

1 onion, diced

1 clove garlic (optional)

1-2 tbsp butter

2 cups vegetable broth

salt and pepper

1 tsp paprika

sour cream

Heat soup pot to medium-high. Add butter and once it melts, sauté onion and garlic for 7-8 minutes or until onions are translucent. Add squash and cook about 5 minutes, seasoning with salt, pepper and paprika. Pour in vegetable broth, cover and bring to a boil. Once the soup begins to just boil, reduce heat to low, cover again and let cook for 15-20 minutes.

Pour soup mixture in blender and process until just smooth (you can also use an immersion blender here). Put back in pot to keep warm until you are ready to serve. Top with a tiny bit of sour cream for rich flavor.

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