Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Healthy Holiday Eating Tips

During the holiday season, it is easy to put on 5-10 pounds simply from eating poorly. Here are a few tips to keep you healthy during holiday meals.
  1. Stay away from bread (including dinner rolls), rice or pasta dishes. Empty calories, high carb, overall bad.
  2. Choose side dishes made primarily from vegetables, like squash casserole, sweet potatoes or yams, or peas.
  3. Don't blow your calories on everyday foods. Save it for special things, like dressing, that you only eat during the holidays.
  4. When eating pie for dessert, remove the back part of the crust and eat the filling of the pie. Removing that crust will save you at least 150 calories per slice.
  5. When choosing what pie to eat, go with pumpkin over apple or pecan. Pumpkin is low carb and requires less fat and sugar to make it delicious.
  6. Don't drink your calories! Stay away from eggnog (1/2 cup contains 12g Fat). Try to drink light beer or wine.
  7. When in doubt, make your own dish to bring along! I always try to make a salad, brussel sprouts, cauliflower or some other side dish that I can load up on.

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